Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Oxonian Everettian Repsonse

James Ladyman gave a talk at Philosophy of Physics conference in Dubrovnik where he posed some questions about the Oxonian Everettian (Saunders, Deutsch, Wallace). Harvey Brown summarized as a response the following crucial point: it is not the branching but the multiplicity that is the real problem that has to be solved. My intuition is that he is quite right about that and that proper effort should be directed to solve the problem of multiplicity.

Remark: several years ago such debate would have been impossbile. Brown himself recognized that it took him years to realize the non-schizo component behind the MWI. Now, everyone is talking about MW. I had the feeling some 7 years ago that this is exactly what is going to happen, I just did not expect to be so soon.


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